
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Jumping up and down squealing, "Look what I got in the mail today!"

Well, it is completely official. My SP is fabulous and wonderful! I already figured as much, but it's been absolutely confirmed by the lavish parcel I received in the post today!

This time she spoiled me with some patterns which are definately ones that I want to make for sure, some wonderful yummy orange scented body lotion (does she somehow know that in the winter I simply can't get enough lotion???) and soap. I love orange... happy sighs... She also sent a really cool mug, and then the yarn. Oh my gosh! I'm in heaven! I got a ball of Rowan Kidsilk - my first ever!!! It's gorgeous, it's beautiful... I want to fondle it too along with the alpaca she sent in the last parcel. I don't even care if people think I'm weird. Anyone who knits will understand. And that's not all! She also sent a huge skein of hand dyed fabulous sock yarn in the most awesome shades of green. I am the luckiest SP recipient ever I think!

She also sent a little hint as to her identity... I believe I've found her. Although my cataloguing skills are faboo, apparently my reference searching skills suck! It took me an eternity to rummage through knitty postings and find her or at least the one who I think it is! ha ha

Well I am off to go fondle yarn-y goodness! Happy sighs (again)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Could spring be on its way???

Bliss... It's been lovely warm here in Winnipeg the last few days! It's been snowing on and off, but who cares! It's only -2 *C today! Whooo hooo! I didn't need my sixteen layers of clothing today. (You know, long underwear, wool socks, fleecy, parka, scarf, toque, mitts etc.)

It's been a busy week! Had little nephew Robbie's 1st birthday on Monday. I can't believe he's one already! He's my little man, always full of grins and cuddles for Aunty! What a sweetie!

Yesterday I was over at my friend Geri's house and she told me she's going to be doing the Weekend to End Breast Cancer here in Winnipeg on the weekend of June 8-10th. For those of you who may not know about this phenomenal event, participants do a walk of 60kms over a weekend and have a goal raise at least $2000.00 each, which here in Winnipeg goes to CancerCare Manitoba. There's walks taking place throughout the country. If you would like more information on the walk, click on the link in my sidebar. I'm so proud of Geri taking on this endeavor to walk as she says, "for those who can't."

Now, onto much more trivial matters... such as well... knitting! I've been having a really hard time not ordering any Sweet Georgia this week! I may break down in the next hour and phone and place an order. I missed out on my favourite colours at Pick up Sticks because I was too slow to order, but then I got an email notification that Lettuce Knits has some laceweight and superwash sock yarns. Aggghhh. Why must the gods of knitty-ness continually tempt me. I am not that strong! I figure I have another forty minutes to either call the store in Toronto or not. Maybe I should call, and then if they don't have the colour I want, then I can hold out, and if they do have it? Well then clearly, it's fate and meant to be! And everyone knows you shouldn't mess with fate. Right?

In other knitty matters, I finished a little present for my Knitty SP8 partner and mailed her parcel off to her. I hope she likes it! Not saying what it is 'cause I don't want her to stumble across this and then it wouldn't be secret anymore would it? I also started a new tote for the International tote exchange III. I am not sure that my brown and pink bag is as nice as I'd hoped and perhaps not as suitable for my partner, so I'm doing a cabled bag from Patons instead. I think I'll do a few minor changes to the pattern, but am really hoping to have it done by tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest so I can mail it off to her! I found some nice treats to go with it, so I'm looking forward to her reaction!

Friday, February 16, 2007


Wow!!! I've been spoiled. No question about it! I went to pick up the parcel last night before pipe band practice, and I was so excited that I was trying to open it little bit by little bit at every red light. Boy oh boy, my SP had taped it up well. But I persisted and by the time I'd got to practice I had the top of the box open so I brought it in and started taking everything out right there and then. We then had to take a moment to fondle my yarn and oooh and ahhh over the rest of the contents!

I've just recently been introduced to Alpaca, but hadn't bought myself any yet because of the Stash & Bust-Along (I'm trying sooooo hard to be good). I've never felt anything so extraodnarily soft. What fabulous yarn-y goodness! And the colours are perfect for me. And then there was the tea... did I mention anywhere that I love Raspberry tea? I didn't think I had, but it's one of my absolute favourites. Of course chocolate is always a very very welcome treat and between the hot chocolate packets and the huge orange chocolate bar, I've got lots!!!!! The kids better not get any ideas. I'm not sharing. Then of course she'd included tons of Kool-Aid for my dyeing pleasure. I can hardly wait to get going on that! The terrific little notebook will be perfect for in my knitting basket. I almost forgot the candle. I love yummy scented candles and this one is apple pie. Mmmmmmm. Delicious! Ohhhhh.... this is sooooo much fun! Thank you thank you thank you my wonderful, thoughtful SP extraordinaire!

I wonder if it would be wrong to take my yarn to work with me this morning so I can fondle it whenever I want????

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Well, it's been ages again since I last posted. I have been busy. Doing what exactly I'm not sure. Just life stuff I guess. In between all the life "crap" I have still been knitting. I think that goes without saying.

Here's the updated list of what I've been working on:

- Hot Tamale socks (again) - this pair is ankle length, one is done, the other on the needles and was started today on the bus ride home from work
- Tote for the Tote Exchange - it's felting as I type
- Poor old Samus - who I've all but abandoned

Here's what's going to be worked on next:

- Small project yet to be determined for my SP8 partner
- Wrist warmers to match my IHS
- Monkey socks from Knitty in my beautiful skein of Sweet Georgia - sniff sniff (for those of you who may not have heard, she's taking some time off from dyeing for at least six months - I am bereft
- A black and red striped sweater as requested by J (pattern yet to be determined)

I suppose I really should finish the darned bunny and bear slippers at the bottom of my basket too. Ahh, but they can wait a bit longer. Easter's not for a while yet.

I've been really good about the Stash and Bust Along. I haven't finished all that many projects compared to some, and my stash hasn't really decreased, but by golly I've been good about not allowing any yarn purchases. I'm like a junkie needing my fix though. I've been trying to bribe (BF)G into buying me yarn in the logic that it would be a gift and therefore not me buying it ergo, I would still be complying with the rules. He won't budge though. Which I suppose is good. Probably would be a bad thing if he was an enabler. Sigh. I did go into Ram Wools though to buy some yarn for my SP8 a couple of weeks ago (Imagine the strength it took to not buy any for myself!) and I bought the yarn for my tote for the exchange on another trip to Ram Wools and again, came out with just that and nothing for me. I felt that was deserving of a big ol' pat on the back. (BF)G however, feels that as I bought the wool for myself to knit with that's actually like getting a fix and therefore should be a strike against me. I tried to explain that there was just simply nothing in my stash that would do, but he's adamant that I'm fudging the rules to suit my addiction.

Oh and here's the pic of the work that's in the machine right now hopefully felting itself to beauty!