
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Check a few things off the list!

Well, this week was the week to check a couple more projects of the WIP list!

First of all, I finished my Strawberry Tote from Knit Scene. I think it's really cute, but highly impractical! Not sure who will be the recipient of it yet, but I'll figure that out eventually!

The next item on the list is the cotton tank for G. After many starts (see post from a couple weeks ago!) I finally got going on it and had it ready to be blocked actually on Monday. G loves it and I think it looks stunning on her! I added a strip of elastic along the back so that it would be a little bit tighter for her. She was worried about gaping. It the Cantata Cotton Jeans "Summer Top" pattern. I used Cantata Cotton Crepe DK (just over three skeins for the small size) and did it in the round rather than back and forth. I also made it a halter top rather than a tank top and added a row of eyelets under the bust line to accomodate a ribbon. We bought a couple different colours of ribbon so that she can change them to match her outfits. I think this might be my favourite project yet this year! I'm so happy with the outcome! :)

Still working on Samus; it is all sewn together and is just awaiting it's attached I-cord trim. Maybe this week I'll get to that! And my Clapotis is down to the final section. Only five more repeats of decreases to go, then the final little finishing off section and it'll be done! I am looking forward to getting it off the needles and onto the back of my chair in the office so when I'm chilly I can just throw it on over my shoulders and be cozy warm! (darned air blowing through the vents in that place - I tell you it's either the North Pole or the Sahara Desert in that place, there's no happy medium!!!) Best of all though has to be that I've done 19 out of 23 blouses for Ena Sutton Highland Dancers! Whoo hooo! Only four left to go, then the four shirts and YEEEEE HAW! I'm done my Folklorama sewing (or I think anyways, given the pavilion opens on Sunday. Surely they won't ask for anything else)

And for some puppy cuteness... The boys have really grown! This was taken on Friday evening. It's hard to believe they're already three months old!
Well, I actually really want to get the last four blouses at least cut out before bed time tonight, so I should stop rambling on and get back at it! Adieu for tonight.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

An honest to goodness FO!!!

Well, today the purse got lined and given handles! I am really happy with how it turned out and wishing I could keep it for myself now...

Tomorrow I'm off to the post on my coffee break to mail it to my ITEIV partner. I should have had it done ages ago, but alas... ever the queen of procrastination, it's down to the wire. It has to be in my partner's hot little hands by the end of July. Eeek! Good thing Canada Post is pretty speedy to the US!

So without further ado, I present the Periwinkle Cotton Bag:

Here's the specs!

Pattern: Ram Wools' Cotton Bag
Yarn: 1 skein Super 10 Cotton (have I mentioned before how much I love this stuff?)
Modifications: I accidently did too many stitches I think, well that's my best explanation for the larger size then the pattern called for, but I think it's better bigger anyways. Ok back to modifications, I ran out of yarn to do the handles so bought some lovely beaded ones at Fabricland. I think they make the bag a little dressier too, so I like them better than the original idea anyways!

I loved this pattern! The peacock stitch was incredibly simple to remember and easy to do. The bag was knit solely on the transit bus, and provided great entertainment for one gentleman who would sit and watch me knit and was amazed by the whole process. It's funny. I've not seen him on the bus since I finished the purse! Ha ha!

In other mad WIP news, G's cotton tank is coming along really quickly after it's initial bad start. I'm already to the bust, so whoo hoo me! Won't be done for tomorrow night when she comes home from her Dad's, but maybe by the end of the weekend! Samus has been blocked and just awaits seaming so I can do the trim around it. And I have 15 eyelet blouses in various states of done-ness for Ena Sutton Highland Dancers. Only seven more after these ones are done! Then four shirts and by then Folklorama will be starting and I'll shift gears from creation to alterations and fixings. I really hope they don't wear the blue pants this year. Those pants were terrible. I think I repaired at least three pairs a night. Who makes non-stretch fitted pants for dancers' costumes???? Well, if I keep typing those blouses aren't going to sew themselves... guess I should get my hiney in gear and get up to the machine!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Let's all say it together... RIBBIT

Yep! I'm off to visit the frog pond. Oh, woe is me! Two days ago I started a fitted tank for G. Figuring it looked way to big, I ripped it all out and did a guage swatch that turned out just fine. (Upside to story... I'm learning the importance of doing guage swatches) Cast on again, but this time figured what the heck... why not do tank in the round. Whoo hoo... no seaming! So I pat myself on the back for realizing I need to decrease stitches because I no longer need a seam allowance as such, and promptly cast on two too many stitches. Pattern doesn't work out and I don't realize it somehow for three rows. Rip all the way back to the cast on and take two stitches out. Start knitting again. All the while patting myself on the back again because this time the pattern's working out perfectly. I have exactly the right number of stitches, it's smooth sailing. I'm invisioning having the tank done by next weekend when G comes back from her Dad's. After all it's going so quickly, and I always have the bus commute in which to knit. And it's of course going to go even faster on circs. Then much to my horror I notice this...

How could I not notice this small disaster? HOW I ask you? How on earth does one do an entire inch or so with the whole thing twisted on the needles? So... there's nothing to do but ribbit ribbit ribbit... I think I will rip it out tonight and then put it aside until tomorrow. Must remain positive about the whole thing though, must resist the urge to toss the tank in the knitting box (not even the basket... a disaster similiar to this deserves the box, in the back of the closet where I can't see it taunting me!) Like riding a horse, must get right back up in the saddle. Such an easy pattern too, there's no reason for all the mistakes. It's depressing! Sigh...

On a bright note, my pups are doing well for the most part! My lawn, you know the newly laid lawn does not fair so well unfortuantely, but we're working on impressing upon them that their favourite game of destroy the lawn is not a good one. Hopefully it works soon, before we're back to mud. But how could anyone get upset with faces like this?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Canada Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Canada Day yesterday! I meant to post this yesterday, but between running around after the puppies who just came home on Saturday, and going to the annual Canada Day BBQ at, Geri's house, computer time was just not happening for me!
I made my usual cake for the festivities yesterday and was really happy how it turned out, other than a bit of whip cream on top of some of the berries, and that was thanks to a certain four legged beastie who thinks that when I'm in the kitchen he should stand right on top of my feet! But I think it still looked great if I can toot my own horn!

Speaking of four legged wee beasties, Lucky and Guinness came home as mentioned on Saturday. They've been pretty good, just busy, busy, busy. They are very loveable though, which is a good thing given the fact that the first night Lucky cried the entire night long. One of their favourite things to do it would seem is romp around in the back yard so I've been spending huge amounts of time out there with them. They don't seem to be as bothered by the mosquitoes as I am. And if they can find a wet muddy spot to play in, all the better.

In terms of knitting, I managed to get some done yesterday while they were napping. I've been concentrating on my knitting for the ITEIV that wraps up at the end of July. I haven't taken any pics yet, but will as soon as I am finished with them. Yes, I said them, I'm actually knitting two to send my partner's way. There is a method to my madness and all will be revealed eventually! Ha ha! My only disappointment with the first one, is that I ran out of yarn, and Ram Wools has no stock left in the colour I was using and a contrast just didn't seem to work. All I had left to do were the handles, so it's back to the drawing board for a different handle option. I love the pattern I chose though and will definately make it again for myself! I used Ram Wool's Cotton Bag pattern with SRK Super 10 cotton. By the way, Super 10 is fantastic to knit with, and there are more colours in their line than you could ever imagine!

Well, it sounds pretty quiet upstairs in the kitchen... maybe I have a few minutes of knitting time before I start round number four of outdoor, mud and muck fun!