
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Two new FOs!

Well, actually, I finished Clapotis last week and just haven't had a chance to get someone to take a picture of it for me! I love my Clap - yes, I do realize that sounds bad, but all you knitties know what I'm talking about! Tee hee! It's been great in the mornings while I'm outside with the pups. I can't believe how cool the nights are getting. Last Saturday was the turn around in the weather. It was super hot and sticky during the day, and by about six thirty the wind came up and their was a crispness to the air. I guess summer is drawing to a close.

My other FO is Monica which I started about two weeks ago in the blistering prairie heat for (BF)G's great niece Alexandra. Maybe she can wear a little t-shirt under it so that she can actually use it this summer. Really - this cooler weather came as a surprise!

In other news, the Peru trip is fast approaching! After a big scare on Wednesday night with the earthquake devestating some of the southern parts of the country I wasn't sure the wisdom of continuing on with our plans, but we've been reassured by festival organizers in Trujillo that all is ok and that the festival is a go-ahead. I guess given that Trujillo is about 800kms from the epicenter of the quake makes a big difference. Three of our dancers are already in Peru and were visiting Machu Picchu when the quake struck - through the wonder of Face Book, G talked to one of them after the quake on Wednesday night and the girls were doing fine. They'd heard about the quake, but hadn't felt or noticed anything where they were.

So, my money has been exchanged, I'm starting to think about what to pack, and generally I am starting to get enthusiastic again. Admittedly my enthusiam was dwindling slightly given the fact that I've been so bad with my asthma lately, plus there was a whole disaster of the stained kilt debacle, which is yet to be sorted (damned careless people who drink blue liquor backstage - Don't even get me started on that rant), and then of course the earthquake. But, it's a trip of a life time and G and I are going to have a wonderful time no matter what!

As a bonus, there's only a few more hours till my N comes home from camp! (his flight is to land at 3:55am) Little turkey who apparently has completely forgotten that he has a family he should phone at least once in a while! I haven't heard from him since three days after he got there. Oh well - I guess that means he's had fun and wasn't homesick, and afterall, that really is what I wanted for him! I just miss the little (ok not so little anymore) guy!

And just for some puppy cuteness, check out the latest pics of Lucky and Guinness! They're almost four months old now - time flies!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I've been so spoiled lately!

I just wanted to quickly post a couple pics of what some lovely partners have sent me in the last week! With Folklorama in full swing I've finally just got the chance now!

First my fantastic SP9 partner sent me this wonderful parcel!

Look at the gorgeous sock wool and the soft soft alpaca! I also received yummy chocolate (missing from the pic 'cause I ate it long before the pic got snapped!) and all sorts of coloured pens and highlighters and supplies for making life easier! Check out the funky case to put them all in too! Plus, to top it off my partner put little notes on each little gift making it even more fun to open! I can hardly wait for my flight to Peru, so I can dive into sock knitting again! :)

Secondly, I received the most beautiful tote from my partner, Kris in the ITEIV! Isn't it gorgeous? I love the colours and the treats... goodness I've been spoiled to a high degree wouldn't you say? Book, magnet, candied popcorn, tea, coffee, candle, little knitting accessories, Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers, a fun little sheep to grow in water! Such a lovely and generous package!

And finally, I thought I'd post a pic of the girls (oh and Connor! Mustn't forget our lone boy in the group!) dancing Rebel Piper at the Winnipeg Forks last Saturday for the Opening Ceremonies for Folklorama! Don't the hats look great... grrrr... I finished them mere hours before they hit the stage.