
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I have no will power!

So, despite my advice to myself that I should do the little ones' woolies for Christmas before starting anything else, I have joined not only the Red Sweater KAL, but the Irish Scarf KAL as well. AGGGGGHHHHH.

In other news, I can now check the mittens off my list! They still haven't been felted, but at least they're done. They are huge and hilarious, but I have all the confidence in the world that they'll end up just fine!

I also started N's anarchy scarf. I had done a couple of inches last night doing the "A" using intarsia, but quickly gave that up. It just looked silly. I frogged the whole thing back to the very beginning and today cast on again. This time with about 10 less stitches. (First attempt was enormous!) I am now thinking that the best idea is to just knit the darn scarf then use smaller needles and make an i-cord to be stitched on in the design. We'll see.

I am debating with myself regarding my pattern for the Red Sweater KAL as well. I had initially thought of doing a wide ribbed pattern pullover, but now I'm leaning towards Ivy. I guess it will have to depend on whether or not I have enough yarn in my stash. That will be tonight's endeavor! Digging through my stash to see what's what! As for the Irish Hiking Scarf. Well, I'm justifying that one with the thought that maybe I'll finish it in time for Christmas to give as a gift!

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