
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amazing Autumn Coffee Swap Weekly Topic #1

For the coffee swap I'm taking part in, our hostess has asked us to blog about a weekly topic which she will provide us with. Our first topic is up and here goes:

What makes a "Fall day" for you? How do you know it's here, and what do you love about the weather, the scenery, or something else that makes Autumn lovely?

Here on the prairies there are a few distinct changes that herald the beginning of fall for us. Even though the daytime temperatures may be still really warm, the evenings start to cool off more quickly. There is a certain "nip" in the air. Mornings are crisp too. The leaves, of course, start to change their colours and the geese start their annual migration south. You can hear them honking as they pass overhead in great flocks. Now that I live in rural Manitoba, another sure sign it's fall is apparent. Harvest season. Combines work the fields from early in the morning until late into the evenings. Once the fields are harvested, a less pleasant task takes place. This week I've had the great displeasure of having to drive past many fields where they are spreading manure to fertilize. Phew! What an awful smell!

The things I love most about fall are those crisp days, the amazing colours and the crunch of the leaves under foot. This year, being out in the country has made fall even more special for me (well except for the manure spreaders... I can't find a single good thing about that personally! Well I guess other than it is a good use of the stuff, and organic and all, but the smell... you just can't imagine the smell. Urgh). My new yard has trees completely surrounding it and the colours are absolutely stunning. I've been on a mission to capture them with the camera, but try as I might, I've not been able to get it just right yet. There's always something just a little off with my lighting.

Guinness enjoying a bright sunny morning early in the fall


  1. looking at those trees it must be stunning at your place in autumn.

  2. It was beautiful for a few days until the high winds came along. Now the trees are bare and the ground is covered.
