
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Projects of the New Year

I hope you all had a happy and healthy start to 2012! After a low point for us earlier in December, I'm glad to say things seem to be on the upswing! I had all five of my beautiful children home Christmas morning, we celebrated (BF)G's 49th birthday and (BF)G, the little boys and I rang in the new year our favorite way. Quietly and at home with a prime rib dinner(even the Yorkshire pudding rose to the occasion! I was so happy to see their puffy, golden perfection as I took them out of the oven. They can be a bit finicky and sometimes fall a bit flat shall we say!), and we rounded out the evening with a video marathon. I've even had a chance to do some crafting. It feels good.

First up was a new hat for Little Toddler Man. His Christmas one was a disaster! Too big, too girly and too downright ridiculous. In making his new one I turned to the tried and true Toddler Ear Flap Hat pattern I used for Baby Boy's Christmas hat. Ah. Success.

I also got my first major sewing project of the year done! (BF)G gave me two new books for Christmas, Growing Up Sew Liberated and Sewing for Boys. I was completely smitten with the play tent in the first book, so set to work. I had enough home dec fabric left from LTM's pouch sling I'd made for him when he was a baby to use as contrast and got some inexpensive clearance home dec fabric ($3/m) for the tent panels, spent $11 for some PVC conduit for poles (bamboo garden poles it called for were going to ring in about $40. Eeek!)and so for $20 and a few hours time the little one's now have their own play tent. The only thing I really did differently was to do a double fold binding along the bottom edge rather than a hem. I thought it tied it all together nicely that way. The boys have been loving it so far!

Feeling like I was on a roll, I made a couple more Bapron bibs for friends' little ones, a tea wallet to send to another friend, and finally finished the matching sets of flannel pjs requested by (BF)G, LTM and Baby Boy that I started forever ago! I really hope they still fit...

And in really, really big crafty news (well to me anyways) I put the final hand stitches into the binding of my quilt, washed and dried it. It's done!!!! It does feel like it should have it's own post given the magnitude of the project though, so you'll have to wait a bit for the details on that one!

I'll leave you with a pic (BF)G's niece sent of her little one on her 1st birthday wearing the "Cupcake Outfit"

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