
Friday, May 22, 2015

Me Made May 2015 Week Three

How are we already at the end of another week??  Is it just me or did the week just fly by?

We had some crazy weather over the last seven days - it started out gorgeous and spring like on Saturday, but by evening the temps had dropped, the rain clouds rolled in and things went downhill from there.  By Monday morning there was snow on the ground.  Thankfully things improved fairly quickly and today is glorious once again.  Sunny and summery.  It's wonderful... and gives me so many more me made wardrobe options (although I ended up with a repeat today anyways.  Ha ha!)

Here's how my me made week three looked!

May 16th - Was an identical repeat of May 1st right down to the jeans I paired with my Honey Blouse.  I think I should have probably ironed it before wearing.  OOPS!

May 17th -  It was pouring rain out making it the kind of day you want to curl up on the couch and do pretty much nothing at all but be cozy and comfy.  I wore my Sis Boom Tortola Top and my Jocole Yoga Pants.  The temperature dropped considerably again by the end of the day and the next morning we woke up to this... (which was actually a bit of a relief to only see that and not the 10-15cm they were forecasting. Still. Yeesh. Mother Nature.  Cut it out!!!)

May 18th - The snow was finally melting away when I got this photo of my me made (but somehow never blogged) Raglan Gathered Tee that I modified from a Simplicity pattern last year and an Abalone Cardi I knit forever ago.

May 19th - Little Man took this photo of me Tuesday morning before he went off to school.  It was still pretty cool that morning, so I grabbed my Hay Cove cardi to ward of the chill before heading out the door.  Have I mentioned just how much I love this cardigan???

May 20th - What a difference in weather a few days makes!  Wednesday was definitely flip flop weather!  I am wearing my new version of the same tee I wore earlier in the week.  Haven't blogged about this one either (obviously).  I'm not sure how I feel about it to be brutally honest.  The fabric is super soft cotton spandex, but the recovery isn't great (despite being advertised as having great recovery. HA!) and by late afternoon my tee was doing some pretty heavy duty sagging and bagging.  Also odd was the general looseness of it from the start given I used the exact same pattern pieces I'd used to make the black one.  Did I shrink the black one that much over the course of the year?  I fought and fought with this blue version taking it in here and there, reworking bits and generally spending way more time than anyone ever should on a t-shirt.

May 21st - I know you just saw this just yesterday, but here it is again, because I really, really love this top and I was so happy to finally be able to show it off since Paprika Patterns released the Onyx pattern yesterday.  (Remember - you still can snap it up for the intro price for the next couple of days!)

May 22nd - Another repeat day today.  It's gorgeous out and I'd planned to wear a dress.  I took no less than four out of the closet this morning, but they all needed a good pressing if I was going to wear them and well, I just didn't feel like doing that, so I went a different route instead and grabbed my Jocole Yoga Skirt instead.  No ironing, no fuss and it's comfy like pjs.

So that's been my week.  I'm still doing well with my challenge and managing to wear at least one me made per day even if they are repeats.  I have a few projects on the sewing desk right now - a wearable muslin of the Clemence Shorts for women that I snapped up in the Bundle Up Sale as well as another Sis Boom Patricia.  Hopefully I will get those finished up or at least iron some dresses and have some variation in my final week of Me Made May for next week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I want to put my hand up that skirt
