Thursday, January 23, 2020

I'm Back!

Well.  It's certainly been a while.  I seem to have taken an inadvertent lengthy blogging hiatus.  I honestly meant to come back ages ago and post, but clearly it just didn't happen.  I've had a lot going on and I've been ridiculously tired so blogging was one of the things that unfortunately fell by the wayside.

I've done quite a bit of crafty things over my time away from the computer though and one of these days I'll sit down to tell you about them, because I had a lot of fun doing them and I'd love to share them with you.  I've also done some super secret test projects that I can't share just yet, but promise I will just as soon as I can down the road!

In the meantime, I'm here today to tell you about a project that I made way back in the fall for the Minerva blog that's finally gone live today so I get to show it off!

It's the Christine Haynes Ellsworth Coat made in a medium weight Lady McElroy Cotton Sateen!

It was quite an endeavour, but I'm really very proud of it.  I can't recall ever making a fully lined coat before and it's been on my sewing bucket list for the longest time! I won't spoil the details here, you can hop on over to read all about it over on the Minerva blog instead.

But before you head over, just take a closer look at that fabric... flowers and foliage and birds, oh my!!!  It's all of my favourite things!