I chose to knit them in some sock yarn held double. Sock yarn that had previously been cursed! (The curse is now unbroken obviously). When I say cursed I mean that over the years I’d started no less than three or four times to turn this yarn into socks and somehow something would go awry every single time. This yarn is at least 15 years old so it seemed as good a time as any to get it made up into something.
I was correct in the speediness of the pattern. I knit my socks and were wearing them to bed in under two weeks!!
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Emboldened by my success and new found love of bed socks I decided to knit a new pair. This time using Lichen and Lace sock yarn in the Rosewood colourway and the stunning Saltwater Socks book (both were given to me for Christmas by my daughter and son in law!) I chose the Nighty Night Sleep Sock pattern of course!
These have taken considerably longer to knit being in fingering weight - they took one day shy of two months, although the second sock only took nine days for me to complete. I finished them last night and I’m so pleased with how they turned out!! I did lengthen the ankle by ten rows just to have a slightly longer pair of sleep socks!
I’m now without a project on my needles which is rather disconcerting so I’ll need to remedy that quickly. I don’t like having nothing ready to work on. I’ve been going through my pattern library trying to narrow down what to choose next, but so far haven’t pinpointed anything at all. It’s a decision paralysis of sorts I guess. Being spoiled for choice makes it hard to narrow it down. So we’ll see what I come up with!