I finished the Green Bean socks and (BF) G is very happy with them. He claims that they are perfect! They did turn out very nicely and actually fit him, so no wonder he's excited. His sweater I made him last summer was a disaster. Turned out very very large on his less than large frame. Actually body of sweater was short and stout, and arms were meant for a gorilla I think. But hopefully he'll get use out of it camping or something. Anyways, I think the sucess of the Green Beans really makes up for it all! I was mighty pleased with myself too, because I taught myself a new trick in finishing them. I've always been terrible at grafting. It turns out more like a haphazard tangle of thread than a nice smooth finish, but not this time! Instead of avoiding it like the plague (which I normally do in light of bad results), I embraced the challenge. I followed some great instructions every step of the way and it worked. I am really excited about this! Yes, I do realize that I'm obviously very easily amused, but I've learned to embrace that as well!

Once the Green Beans were off the needles I felt rather bereft and needed a quick project before starting anything new. I made a cell phone cozy for myself based on a pattern I had found last year and then lost (can't even remember the pattern company so unfortuately cannot give credit where credit is due.) so had to go by memory as to what it looked like. I used a bit of dishcloth cotton and an unknown fun fur that was lurking in my stash cast on 20 stitches in the round, did seed stitch until it was almost the height of my phone, then a couple rounds of stocking stitch with the fun fur, and voila. Within an hour I had a cell phone cozy. In retrospect I wish I'd used a few less stitches so it would have been a tighter fit, but oh well. Not a huge concern - I may just run a quick elastic through the top to cinch it in a bit. I think it's kind of cute anyways.

I'm still working away on the Party Lace Scarf, but got sidetracked a week ago Thursday with my
Monkey Socks. They were just begging to be cast on, and honestly, this has got to be the fastest sock pattern on record. With very little knitting time I'm done sock number one and more than half way through the first sock! I love this pattern, I love the way it looks already and I love my Berry Sweet Georgia! I think socks are my new addiction.
Unfortunately, poor Seamus still sits in the basket, the body and one cuff done. Probalby wouldn't take long to finish it, I'm just not feeling the love for it right now. Not sure why. Maybe once I get Monkey Socks out of the way, I'll finish Seamus before I start the Janet Lace Shawl or anything else.

I also got somewhat sidetracked last week making my friend L's dress for her friend's wedding social that was on Friday night. After a minor fitting disaster - note to myself - next time, warn the person being fitted to wear the proper undergarments that will be worn under the finished garment - ie: NO PADDED BRAS if said padding is not going to be underneath the very fitted top in the end! Early Friday morning I was remaking the entire bodice of the dress to fit to actual size. Grrrr. In the end it did end up looking lovely though and I was really pleased.
Well, the two younger kids have been busy helping make Easter dinner, so I should go put the finishing touches on and set the table!