In other news, the Peru trip is fast approaching! After a big scare on Wednesday night with the earthquake devestating some of the southern parts of the country I wasn't sure the wisdom of continuing on with our plans, but we've been reassured by festival organizers in Trujillo that all is ok and that the festival is a go-ahead. I guess given that Trujillo is about 800kms from the epicenter of the quake makes a big difference. Three of our dancers are already in Peru and were visiting Machu Picchu when the quake struck - through the wonder of Face Book, G talked to one of them after the quake on Wednesday night and the girls were doing fine. They'd heard about the quake, but hadn't felt or noticed anything where they were.
So, my money has been exchanged, I'm starting to think about what to pack, and generally I am starting to get enthusiastic again. Admittedly my enthusiam was dwindling slightly given the fact that I've been so bad with my asthma lately, plus there was a whole disaster of the stained kilt debacle, which is yet to be sorted (damned careless people who drink blue liquor backstage - Don't even get me started on that rant), and then of course the earthquake. But, it's a trip of a life time and G and I are going to have a wonderful time no matter what!
As a bonus, there's only a few more hours till my N comes home from camp! (his flight is to land at 3:55am) Little turkey who apparently has completely forgotten that he has a family he should phone at least once in a while! I haven't heard from him since three days after he got there. Oh well - I guess that means he's had fun and wasn't homesick, and afterall, that really is what I wanted for him! I just miss the little (ok not so little anymore) guy!
And just for some puppy cuteness, check out the latest pics of Lucky and Guinness! They're almost four months old now - time flies!