Well, here it is Sunday morning - better known as "I could go back to bed for some more sleep" morning, and yet here I am at 7:40am, the puppies have been fed and had a couple hours play time, my dishes are all done, the laundry is in and I'm WIDE awake. Why is it that the one day of the week that I could sleep in I can't??
I read once that it's really not good for you to drastically change your sleep patterns through out the week. The article suggested that if you get up at a certain time everyday and limit your sleeping in on weekends you'll feel more rested and alert. Can't remember where I read that article, but clearly the author of it didn't get up at 4:30 every morning during the week! Oh well, c'est la vie!
I went to Ram Wools on Friday as a consolitory (is that even a word??) reward for not crying like a baby during my very brutal physio session. So much for consoling myself! All I bought was a button. Yes, a button. Not so much as one lonely little skein of yarn. And their prices are so awesome right now (well for us Canadians anyways!) Because of the exchange with the US dollar , they've dropped all their prices to reflect it. Some yarns are up to $2.00 off. Now $2.00 doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but it sure adds up and it's not like it's a sale - it's a permanant thing (well until the time our dollar goes back below the US dollar anyways) So here I was thinking that I could get a little treat to make myself feel better. And horror of horrors. I couldn't find anything I wanted. That's about the third time in a row that I've left Ram Wools with no yarn. What's wrong with me? Sure, my bank account is healthier and happier for it, but it's weird. It's not often that an addiction just turns off one day.
Maybe though it's the ever increasing amount of UFOs piling up that discouraged my need for yarn (highly unlikely, but you never know...)
But speaking of those UFOs I thought that perhaps if I posted about them I might be encouraged to work all that much faster to finish them. After all they would no longer be hiding in quiet in my knitting basket, they would be out in public for all to see their undone-ness, which would then give me that much more reason to get them done so that I will be able to proudly post FO pictures! (It's just a theory, but hopefully it will work!) So here they are:

I have about 50 rows done on the Clementine Shawlette, 4 inches or so done on (BF) G's sweater, which is a variation of
Stitch N Bitch Nation's Jesse's Flames, one sock done from
Knitting Vintage Socks' Fancy Silk Socks, and the cabled newsboy cap again from
Stitch N Bitch Nation - all it needs is to have the insert cut out for the brim and then the brim sewn up.
So you see - lots of things already on the go and even more patterns I want to start;
Loop-D-Loops' Lace Leaf Pullover, the Joey Ramone doll from
SnB Nation, Back to School vest from
Fitted Knits. some Christmas-y items for my
Chrismas swap, and at least a couple of more hats for
Hats for Alex.
I do have two hats done, but want to do at least a couple more before I send them. Here's what I've got so far!

So, it's dead quiet in the house right now - the kids are still sleeping, the pups have curled up and gone back to sleep as well. I think I'll go make a big cup of Maple tea, turn the TV on for Coronation Street and pull out the needles. I think I'll cast on for another hat. Yes - I realize this flies in the face of my theory about getting my UFOs done, but in all reality I think the hats really are more important than the other projects.
Trillian would like them in by the end of the month so that they are ready to give to the hospital on the anniversary of wee Alex's death. I really want to see her make and hopefully exceed this year's goal - she's already got 209 to date out of the 250 she's hoping for!
Aggghhh... I hear kids up and video games going on the TV!!!! Those boys (N and friend who slept over) were still up at 2am - uggghhh. N will be a joy and a pleasure today - he gets so miserable if he hasn't had enough sleep. And let me say there is nothing like the sound of digitized machine gun fire early in the morning. Grrr.