I feel like I've been a neglectful blogger lately - it's been ages since my last posting. I've been busy though so that's my excuse! I also had a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy and cauterizing of endometriosis two weeks ago that threw me for more of a loop then I cared for, but I won't bore you with the grim details of all that. So onto the interesting (well to me anyways) details of my craftiness!

But having two projects on the go of course isn't enough. No. Not for me. April started a shrug this week and of course I was suffering shrug envy - I'm so easily led! I had bought yarn back in January to make the Retro Redux Shrug and kept saying to myself, "I should make that for wearing with summer dresses and tanks", but then I'd forget about it again, until the next time I was on Ravelry and there it was, number one in my queue. So enough was enough. Monday night I cast on for it and so far so good. I'm using Paton's Katrina in Chocolate and I love this yarn (well - I don't love the fact that there are knots tied sporadically throughout the ball, but thanks to my new found skill of doing a Russian Join, I am not too terribly annoyed by it). If only I'd known how much I'd like this yarn I'd have bought more when it was on clearance at Ram Wools. My only worry is for the size I'm making I would like to have four balls of it and I only, as it turns out, have three. I'm crossing my fingers I'll have enough...

I also did the prototype for this year's dresses for the dance group. Not too bad so far, but there are some fit issues with it so it's back to the drawing board to re-work the pattern slightly. Then I've got to come up with the overdress and the tartan sash. Hmmm. To pleat or not to pleat. That is the question. I'll get back to you on that one!
The more projects, the merrier, they say!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you, Sarah - and glad the medical crap is over. Sigh.