I was also pretty tired all weekend from this ridiculous cold/flu I've had so I took the chance to take it easy and do some knitting.
So knit I did. I will admit to being on a bit of an animal kick here. First up we have "Big Ears". This pattern is the very reason I ordered "Cute Knits for Baby Feet" from Knitpicks in the first place. I absolutely had to have them.

Knit from Sirdar's Snuggly they whipped up in a flash. I started them Saturday afternoon and finished them Sunday afternoon. The part that took me the longest was embroidering the tusks on!
Monday, the weather looked much more promising at first - it was gorgeous out at 5:30 am when I took the dogs out, but by the time I'd gone inside, had breakfast, put my capris and t-shirt on and gone back outside to enjoy the weather, the wind had picked up from the north and the temps had dropped by 10 degrees at least. Needless to say, back indoors I went. Picked up my needles, the left over snuggly from my niece's baby sweater, and my new favourite book. So? What do you think of "Quack"?

I think they'll be darn cute booties for the cool mornings and evenings I think that we're in for this summer. And talk about a quick knit! They took all of about two hours in total including a few breaks.
Feeling bold I decided to cast on for my "Plath Cardigan." I'm in love with this sweater. I had some trouble out of the starting block with it, but that was simply pregnancy brain and nothing to do with the pattern. Let me tell you ladder rib stitch is a dream to do! I think I'm in love.

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