"Pay It Forward 2011" French Press Slippers/Star Crossed Slouchy/French Press Slippers |
I've had some good crafty days lately. Well in terms of getting things done anyways. Not sure all of them could actually be considered "good" really!
Let's start out with the not-so-good. I decided to re-visit my Icelandic hooded pullover that I started last spring. Only a few rows in I decided I'd better rip it all out and start over due to a error in colour judgement. (Not quite sure how it happened, but I started out with the wrong colour and it was just not going to cut it!) So ribbit, ribbit, ribbit went the sweater. No problem. I wasn't going to be daunted. After all... I was only a few rows in.
So I cast on again, this time in the colour I'd originally intended as the first colour. Liking how it was going, I boldly started into the first colour change and chart. Ooops! Had an extra stitch. Oh well. Just knit 2 together. Who's going to be the wiser. If only that had been the only problem. Blithly knitting along I sailed through the first chart and started the second. Only to realize I'd a) done only four rows per basketweave section in chart one instead of five, as well as realize that for the better part of the back of the sweater I'd knit using one 5.5mm needle and one 6mm needle and b) I somehow managed to fail counting to two. Two white, two gray, two white etc. had somehow become two white, two gray, two white... ooops where'd that third gray stitch come from??? Fixed that and continued on. Someone shaken, but not willing to be deterred. Then I colour changed at the wrong point, started the cable row in chart three at the wrong time, forgot I was going to make up for the missing three rows in chart one by knitting a couple extra in chart three and ultimately ended up in a pattern of work four rounds, rip back one.
I've persevered if for no other reason than this bloody sweater is not going to beat me!! Things are going much better now - touch wood - the next color change and chart is upon me and its only a single colour moss stitch... hopefully I can rise to the challenge and make it through the next 19 rows of the Lopi Sweater of Doom without incident!
I did have some non-stressfull knitting as well! I made the little guys some playfood - a waffle, fried egg and bacon to be exact. LTM seemed pleased. It was easy. I had no disasters.

Along with the Sweater of Doom, I'm also working on a pair of elephant socks for a friend's baby to go along with the pjs I made for her little guy. I also have another baby gift in the wings waiting to be made. Actually looks like I have quite a few in the wings. What's with the baby boom these days??? I think for the next one up I'll knit a pair of "quack" the duck socks that seem to be well received. I've made them a couple times now, so should be to strenuous of a task!
I've managed to completely finish the second set of cowboy jammies for the boys too and they've been getting lots of use. (BF)G's are cut out and if a certain Baby Boy would conveniently nap while LTM did, I could maybe, just maybe get them done!
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