~ Gathered Pullover - about 13 inches of the body done
~ Gentleman's Winter Socks - one sock done, the other about 1 row in
~ Baby blanket - about 5 inches in - but it's on big needles so I've convinced myself I can get it done in a snap!
Moving from the WIP list to the UFO list (they've been languishing so long that I don't think I can say there is anything in progress about them at this point!)
~ Bunny Slippers - started Xmas '06 need one little ear made and to be sewn together
~ Clementine Shawl - started in Peru, but it's been so long since I worked on this one I've no idea where I was at when I stopped
So as you can see I've lots to occupy myself with already. But instead, what do I find myself doing? Dreaming of new projects. Making wish lists of yarn I need to buy to make the new projects (never mind the fact that really I have yarn enough for 100 different projects probably in my stash).
I am anxiously awaiting some sock yarn I ordered from Etsy. Isn't it pretty?

Then I ordered two patterns from KPixie. Stitch Diva's Simple Bodice I've been wanting forever!

Long and the short of it though is that I have enough on the go! What am I doing buying more patterns and more yarn? There's only so much time in the day in which a girl can knit. Unless of course that lottery comes through for me and then I can quit my job and sit at home and knit to my heart's content!
All things considered though, given that I'm at work right now (Honestly, I did start typing this on my coffee break - but it's been over for a few minutes now) I guess I should wander back to things here on my desk of more pressing nature. Otherwise lottery win or not I shall find myself unemployed. And if not funded by a lottery win, how will I ever afford more yarn and patterns???
On that note it's hi ho, hi ho... back to work I go!