Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Follow the Leader Socks

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Follow the Leader Socks!!!
Remember a while back I told you about my socks - the ones that I wrote the pattern for?  Well, it's now a fabulous PDF so I can share it with you!  I'm kind of silly excited about this!  So with out further ado, go ahead and click here and get your very own copy of Follow the Leader Socks!

The idea for these socks popped into my head one day as I watched LTM and Baby Boy playing at the playground at a park in a nearby town. LTM ran, zigzagging from play structure to play structure. First the toddler structure then over to the big slide, next the monkey bars then the swings, all the while with Baby Boy in hot pursuit.

When we came home I checked out the stitch library on knitting on the net for a stitch pattern that might fit the "follow the leader" type tour of the playground the boys had done. Stitch found I started typing things out on my iPad. Then I found some fun, playful yarn and cast on. Having no clue as to how to take those notes and turn them into a PDF I asked my Summer Mamas on Rav for help. My friend Jen quickly offered advice and help and then turned it into a PDF! Thanks Jeniffer!!!

I hope you enjoy the pattern. It's simple, easy and somewhat mindless - great for knitting through continual distractions... Ahem... Like toddlers! You can put it down and pick it back up again and easily know where you left off!

Happy knitting!!!


  1. It`s a beautiful pattern Sarah! This may be just the pattern I need to get myself back into knitting again. I love that they`re short little ankle socks, too.

  2. those are adorable! I'll put them in my ever growing list...

  3. I love them! I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes ankle socks. :)

  4. Thanks so much ladies! :)

    I always wonder if my love of ankle socks comes from laziness... The foot always takes less time for me to knit than the leg! Ha ha! :)
